12 days of homemade Christmas presents
Day 8, a Tussie Mussie
This is not a recipe but rather an idea – a posy of home grown herbs and flowers pulled together from your garden or one you’re allowed to pick from.
I’d not heard of Tussie Mussies before a lovely reader of my book A Basket by the Door wrote in to tell me about how giving a little bouquet of home grown herbs and flowers is a tradition going back to Victorian times.
I just love the name Tussie Mussie and have since used it any chance I can get.
My point is, we don’t always need to spend ages cooking or preserving (if we don’t have the time or inclination!) and we don’t need to spend lots of money on presents, sometimes a bunch of fresh herbs and/or flowers is more than enough. I think so at least
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