This coming April, our town and region of Orange, NSW, will be hosting F.O.O.D Week (Food of Orange District). This is Australia’s oldest-running food festival and the program is jam-packed with events ranging from high-end fancy dinners to family-friendly night markets, farm tours, cooking classes and wine tastings. It’s cover also features the above picture of local organic garlic grower Ken Morgan of Morganics Farm, I took it last year for this post.
If you live in town or are able to get here at some point during the festival – please do, it runs from April 4-13th, is great fun and a nice way to celebrate all of the produce in and around Orange (and, ahem, the people behind it).
For our part and wearing our Mandagery Creek Venison hats, Tim and I are co-hosting a ‘Moveable Feast’ with friends at The Agrestic Grocer on April 5 (starting there, moving to our Farm Kitchen for entree and mains then finishing at a nearby orchard for pud) and will also be popping up at Forage (sold out!), the night market and other events during the 10-day period. Also at The Agrestic Grocer, on Thursday April 10 we will be holding a dinner to celebrate the publication of my book. I can’t wait for this one. For more information on any of these, please send me an email.
You can download the program here and find everything you need to know to book events, accommodation and even transport to Orange. Whoot.
See you in April!
So wish I lived closer xxx Enjoy- an amazing week of delicious food x