Hello the blog and hello to you! It’s been such a long time since I posted anything here and I’ve missed this space so much. With life just being a touch hectic in the lead up to my book going off to the printers, it has seemed all too easy to just post recipes and things on Instagram and not here at my true internet home. So thank you for swinging by again, and I hope you like this post, just a little collection of pics from lunch yesterday at Kimbri Farm with a recipe for the most delicious garlic scape pesto. Sophie x

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Garlic scapes are in markets, garlic beds and some fresh produce shops right now – the tall green shoots that pop up around garlic harvest time, they have a peppery, mild garlic flavour and are just delicious stir-fried and added to a spring potato salad, through a curry or my favourite, blitzed into pesto.
This is not the first time I’ve posted about the Morgan’s beautiful garlic and garlic scapes, and not the first time I’ve shared a garlic scape recipe, but this version is an improved one so thought a second take wouldn’t hurt!
Libby Morgan’s Garlic scape pesto
160g garlic scapes
25g parsley
80g walnuts
Juice of one lemon
3/4 cup olive oil
40g grated Parmesan
A generous pinch of salt and pepper (each)
Combine all ingredients in a food processor and blitz until you have a lovely semi-smooth consistency. If you want it a little looser, add a touch of water.
Serve – on everything! With barbecued lamb chops, through pasta, scraped onto toasted sourdough and topped with avocado or tomatoes, swirled through a quiche, and on it goes.
So yesterday for lunch I made a double batch of the above then gently tossed it through some fresh ravioli stuffed with ricotta (a simple mix of ricotta, Parmesan, a couple of eggs and some pine nuts), if you’d like the recipe for making ravioli, please find it here!
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