Can you give me an introduction to Girragirra Retreat? What are you working towards here?
Above photo shows part of a work by artist Rosie Wingrove Johnston.
Wendy’s slow roasted tomato and almond jam
This stuff is amazing with goat’s cheese and nice sourdough but also good served with bacon and egg rolls, cheese plates, pretty much anywhere you’d use chutney! Makes about 4 cups.
1 kg slow roasted tomatoes (recipe follows)
250 g cherry tomatoes chopped (I’ve subbed sundried ones out of the dehydrator and that was probably nicer)
800g white sugar
grated rind 2 lemons
juice 1 1/2 lemons
70 g blanched flaked almonds (I’ve subbed chopped activated almonds out of the dehydrator here too – tastier and adds crunch)
Place all the ingredients into a large preserving pan and slowly dissolve the sugar over a low heat stirring occasionally. Bring to the boil and cook until setting point, about 20/30 minutes. Don’t leave it too long between stirs as it will burn.
Stir in the almonds and remove from heat to cool for 10 minutes before spooning into warm sterilised jars to seal.
Slow roasted tomatoes
5kg roma tomatoes, quartered
Salt and pepper
1 cup olive oil
20 cloves garlic, peeled and cut in slithers
1 handful basil leaves
Preheat oven to 150C. Place tomatoes skin-side down on two large roasting trays. Pour over the olive oil and season well with sea salt and pepper. Sprinkle over the garlic and add the basil. Roast for 2-3 hours or until the liquid has reduced to a thick oily residue and you have some nice little singed bits on the tomato edges.
Pure goodness Sophie, love it! Thanks for sharing x