Homemade cordials are one of my favourite things to make, give and drink. They are a great way to use up an excess of pretty much any fruit, need hardly any time and equipment and are just beautiful when mixed with sparkling water, perhaps some nice gin or other spirit and a few herb leaves (think rosemary, thyme, lemon balm, verbena or mint).
With summer fruits not too far away now and the festive season hot on their heels, I’m starting to think about pretty things to put in bottles for Christmas presents and toasting, and this beautiful rosemary and orange cordial has the ball rolling. We drank some last week on a picnic with Mum’s art students and it was gorgeous. Come December, I’ll be making batches with strawberries (and maybe black pepper and thyme as per this gorgeous recipe), maybe an Anne of Green Gables-inspired raspberry mix? Then later in summer may come a blackberry and star anise cordial.
Gorgeous photos Soph!
Lizzie xxoo