Orange F.O.O.D Week
F.O.O.D Week is Australia’s oldest food festival, and we believe, it’s best too. For ten days, all of our food, wine producers and chefs all get involved in promiting this region and its spoils, and this year’s program is the best yet – download here.
This year Tim and I (aka Mandagery Creek Venison) are doing a fair few events both on and off the farm. Here’s run-down of what we are up to from April 4-13. See you there!
April 5, Moveable Feast with the Agrestic Grocer – LIMITED SPOTS AVAILABLE
Start with canapes at The Agrestic Grocer, then out to our Farm Kitchen for a farm tour, entree and mains. Finish the day with dessert and a walk through The Farm Gate’s Nashdale Orchard. Cost is $125pp all inclusive. Bookings (02) 6360 4604
April 5, Ross Hill 20th Anniversary Dinner
We are honoured to help our friends at Ross Hill celebrate 20 years making some of Orange’s best wine. We will be supplying venison for the main course, and also on board are super chefs Martin Boetz and Alex Herbert who will travel up from Sydney to prepare the menu. SOLD OUT
April 6, Producer’s Market at Cook Park
Come and enjoy local produce, breakfast or brunch prepared by producers like ourselves and some of the region’s top cooks. Mandagery Creek Venison will be offering beautiful hot venison pies and a selection of chilled cuts to take home and enjoy later. From 8.30-12.30pm, Cook Park Summer St.
April 6, F.O.O.D HQ at The Agrestic Grocer
It’s our turn to front up for Food HQ this morning! Come along for a taste of our venison straight off the barbecue and a chat about how and why we do what we do. From11am-12.30pm, The Agrestic Grocer 426 Molong Road, Orange, (02) 6360 4604.
April 10 Meet the Producers in Country Style
This is always a really fantastic lunch and we love participating in it every year. So please, join us and many more producers from the Orange Region Farmers Market plus the team from Country Style Magazine for what will be a great day out. Browse a selection of Farmer’s Market stalls before enjoying a locally inspired lunch including canapés, 2 courses, sparkling and wines. Nashdale Hall, Cargo Road Nashdale 11.30-2.30pm $70pp, to book call 0425 259 350.
April 10, Local is Lovely dinner
A dinner to celebrate the publication of Local is Lovely. Join some of the producers featured in the book and enjoy truly local evening with us including 3 courses of delicious food from the book. Bubbles on arrival. SOLD OUT
Forage, April 12
Forage has got to be one of the best food events in the country and we are thrilled (and slightly nervous) to be participating for the first time in the menu line up! Mandagery Creek Venison is in charge of the menu for Station One and we are working on something very yummy to kick the day off. SOLD OUT
Change of market plans for Pyrmont, April 4th
As you may gather from the above notes on Orange F.O.O.D Week; we unfortunately can’t make it to Sydney for the Pyrmont Growers Market on April 5. BUT – we have an alternative option for any regulars who would still like to stock up on beautiful Mandagery Creek Venison that day! Simply email us with your order and then come to collect it on that afternoon from Tim’s sister Penny Hanan’s Paddington home. This also happens to be the site of Penny’s business 1803 Artisan Deer Design so while you are there for your venison, please do take a moment to browse her amazing showroom where the full range of antler-handled hand-forged knives, bags, clutches, cushions and throws will be on display.
We understand that this may not suit everybody but it is a good chance to keep the lines of distribution open for the month and hopefully give our friends the chance to take a look at a different side to our family’s deer farm!
If interested, please email for an order form and price list (
I am thinking of making the trek from Penrith to Orange on the weekend for the Sunday producer’s market! It sounds amazing! If I had the time I would have loved to participate in the moveable feast too! I will definitely make it to one fo your farm tours one day! Best of luck with all of the events!