A couple of weeks ago, an old friend of ours, photographer Ted Odonnell came to stay. Ted is a friend of my brother Will’s but also one of the most intuitive, generous and talented photographers around. He had come to take some photos of life on our Mandagery Creek Venison farm as part of Beerenberg’s Provenance Project.
It was all pretty serendipitous really – I’ve been working with Beerenberg for a year or so now, writing recipes for this family-run business based in South Australia and have always been super impressed by their committment to supporting Australian farmers in their range of products.
As Beerenberg’s marketing manager and family member Sally Paech says, ‘the idea for our Provenance Project stemmed from a love of what we do on the Beerenberg farm and a belief that knowing where our food comes from and celebrating the people who help produce that food is not only vital in building a sense of community but also important for our general health and wellbeing’. Nicely said Sal!
So when the Paech family there contacted us to see if we’d be happy to participate, we of course said yes. And then, by coincidence, it turned out that Ted was to be the photographer!
He captured some beautiful images of our farm and deer and I’m really thrilled to be sharing just a few of them here.
For more photos and information on this project, please jump over to the Beerenberg page and have a read. Or you can view galleries of Provenance Project pics via Pinterest; there’s a collection of pics from Shelamar Station near Broome in WA, some beautiful images from Cygnet Bay and more to come! What a fantastic initiative.
What stunning photography! Love the warmth………
The photography is beautiful. The colours are so warm. It makes me want to pack up life in the city and move to the country.
What beautiful land you live on 🙂 #lucky
Sophie, just got this month’s copy of Country Style and there you are…congratulations…Christmas at your place sounds delicious.
Gorgeous as usual Sophie, photos to treasure! x