Sydney really turned it on last Saturday with a perfect Spring day. We had driven down to do the Pyrmont Market and it was great to catch up with lots of lovely Mandagery Creek Venison regulars, enjoy the beautiful weather and stock up on some beautiful fresh produce. But probably because of the election and the tempting beach weather, it wasn’t one of the busiest markets we’ve ever done.
My sister-in-law Penny came along too and brought some of her beuatiful 1803 deer leather bags and antler-handled knives. Because of her help (thank you Pen!) I managed to sneak away and check out the other stalls for a little shopping of my own (something that’s always tricky to do when it’s just two of us and busy!).
We drove straight home after the markets, collected the kids from my wonderful in-laws and settled down to watch the election results roll in. Not the most exciting night of television I’ve ever enjoyed, but at least dinner (one of our venison pies and salad from the markets) was great.
Sunday back at home on the farm was glorious too; warm and calm with nothing to do but hang out with the kids, make a nice lunch and then take an outing to the tip (oh the glamorous life we lead!).
Using all the fresh produce and beautiful bread purchased at Saturday’s market; we made the above ‘green panzanella’ salad and it was gorgeous. Fresh, crunchy and packing loads of flavour, the recipe has just gone live over at my usual spot on Village Voices.
Our next market will be Pyrmont in October (sadly we won’t make it to our regular spot at the September North Sydney Markets). So if keen to stock up on some beautiful Australian farmed venison, see you on October 5th.
Hello Sophie. I adore the photo of the market with the Sydney city skyline in the background. It makes me wish we weren’t SO far from Sydney! This looks like a beautiful market, how lovely that you got the chance to do some shopping as well as running your stall. Have a great weekend x
That salad looks delish! I will try it. Thanks for the recipe! The photos of the market look fun especially the beautiful colours of all the bottled relishes or sauces! Are they yours?
Deborah – Melbourne.