We have just returned from a weekend in Griffith and a morning with Denis, Annette and Dean Dinicola of Mandole Almond Orchard. The family’s orchard was alive with bees and covered in cloudy white blossoms, their petals falling like snow. Right now; this orchard really is a vision in white.
The Dinicola family had been farming rice and wheat in the Griffith area for three generations but only began planting almonds in 2004. Since then they have covered 600 acres with almond trees and have become the largest privately owned almond property in the Riverina.
The lovely Annette also made us a batch of light, fragrant Pasta de Mandorla biscuits and some deeply sweet, chewy almond torrone (recipes for both below). She is a wonderful cook and though she says most of her almonds find their way into sweets, also uses almond meal for thickening curries, or in salads with quinoa or freekah.
The family sell their crop to Almondco Australia Limited and Dennis also represents the Riverina as a board member for the Almond Board Australia.
Pasta di Mandorla
350g sugar
160g icing sugar
1/2 cup toasted almonds, halved
Torrone di Mandorla
200g honey
500g roasted almonds
I bet that orchard smells wonderful! x
Such beautiful images! I can only imagine how much my daughter would LOVE to run through those rows of beautiful ‘fairy’ blossom trees! What an awesome sight.
It really was beautiful Emma! Alice who has just turned 6 has decided that she’d like to have her birthday party here next year. Hope the parents don’t mind a 4-hour round trip drop off party!
Lovely pics of the orchard, another world. I’ll have to keep a look out for the almonds when they come into the shops.
Hi Elizabeth, aren’t those blossoms beautiful! Thanks for your lovely comment, Sophie
how exquisitely beautiful!
Lovely photos and recipes. Just got back from Sardinia, where almond torrone was everywhere, it’s delicious.
I have always wanted to go to Sardinia! Maybe one day…
Thank you so much for your comment, Sophie
Annette is my godmother’s first cousin! They are a lovely family. Beautiful pictures!
What a small world! She is such a lovely lady. Thanks so much for your comment, Sophie
do you have a contact number for this orchard?