As we hurtle towards Christmas I’m trying not to panic about the general disorganisation going on in this house. Instead we are going to school carol concerts, making cards for the whole of Alice’s kindergarten class (a work in progress) and best of all, eating lots of summer berries and stonefruit. This afternoon the kids and I ransacked Cargo Road Wines‘ raspberry bushes; James is the owner/winemaker of this very fine establishment, and luckily, a good friend of ours. All along his cellar door walls grow healthy raspberry canes which he very kindly lets us pick every now and then.
Speaking of picking… James asked me to tell you all that his cherry trees are ripe for picking and he welcomes groups/individuals who might like to come and harvest their own cherries and then pay for them down at the cellar door (details here). This year’s crop is fantastic (we checked this afternoon too) and it’s a gorgeous spot just out of town.
1. When organic garlic grower Libby Morgan dropped in the other day to chat about the website I’m helping her with, she brought these beautiful roses and this edible bouquet – a collection of borage flowers and herbs. I’ve been picking and cooking from it all week and think it might be the loveliest bunch of anything I’ve ever been given. 2. Dear James, there’s a (my) pirate in your garden…3. And here’s what’s left of your raspberry crop after our visit (just joking. Sort of). 3. The rest made their way into this raspberry butter cake (recipe coming to the blog on Monday). 4. Driving home yesterday. 5. Christmas elves at Koskela.
The Friday List
Smoked Australian salmon bagels from Island Menu
Whole grain cherry almond crisp from A Sweet Spoonful
This salted maple honeycomb would be fun to make with the kids and then give away as Christmas presents (before we ate it all). So would these gingerbread-spiced, chocolate-dipped marshmallows (wowsers).
Casa Yellow is one of the nicest places to hang out ‘online’ – lots to read, great recipes and beautiful pics. Will definitely be trying this basil focaccia with summer tomatoes this month
Japanese strawberry shortcake from the Tart Tart
Great tips for taking better food photos at home thanks to Pinch of Yum
Yotam Ottolenghi’s Christmas baking recipes – would love to make every one of these
This post has inspired me to grow more good things next year. What a beautiful veggie garden.
If you have a spare few minutes, watch Imen McDonnell’s gorgeous little film (below), an ode to Irish food and the people behind it and just my cup of tea.
Small Green Fields from Imen McDonnell on Vimeo.
Love your work Sophie…have a great weekend x