Hello! No stills this week as I’ve been caught up with a fair bit of work. Fortunately or rather unfortunately for my productivity levels; this didn’t stop me wasting way too much time plodding around the web reading and collecting links and recipes that I’ll probably never have time to cook. So in the interest of sharing the spoils of procrastination…here are some of the week’s favourites;
The Friday List
Have you discovered Hugo and Elsa yet? If not, put aside a bit of time, make a cup of tea and settle in for a little escape to rural Tasmania. I love this blog. It’s one of my favourites, hope you do to!
We are in the thick of peach season here but if you aren’t and still fancy a peachy treat, I love the look of these brioche and custard Pesche di Prato by Juls Kitchen
Hello kitchen (well, whole house) envy – I wouldn’t mind living here
Dandelion and citrus salad? Why yes please
Making rhubarb and zucchini pickles with The Lunchlady
A rose-pink version of these homemade marshmallows would be a pretty little Valentines’ prezzie for the lovelies in our life. So would a box of these lemon-curd-filled cookies. And isn’t this little video on making edible Valentines the sweetest thing…
This French anise and orange flavoured loaf is just the kind of aimless baking I love. Bookmarking this one for Sunday (if it’s not too hot for oven-action)
Ever wanted to make almond milk caramel sauce? Well here’s a recipe and it looks delicious
Eat This Poem‘s ‘What I’m Reading’ lists are always full of new discoveries and literary and culinary distraction. This month’s offering is a doozy
Photisserie is my idea of blog-heaven – post after post of stunning photos by a pastry chef/photographer who travels Europe capturing atmospheric, ancient and engimatic scenes. Only thing is that it’s written in German which I speak. No matter, the photos take me there….
Photisserie… I’ll be lost for days. x
Hugo and Elsa is delicious. The way they use light makes me feel like I’m being hugged!