Tom came careering into our room this morning yelling, ‘it’s snowing’. We raced outside and he was dead right; the world was white. I’ve never seen snow like this in my nine years here in Orange and am just as excited as the kids. Yes it’s freezing outside, but it’s crisp, bright and crunchy underfoot too. Tim quickly jumped on the quad bike and did a lap of the paddocks to check the herd and they seem completely unfazed by the snow, mostly just sitting around in the paddocks waiting for the red tractor to arrive with their breakfast (we are giving them extra grain in these cold days to keep their energy levels up).
So after snowmen were made and snowballs thrown, I drove the kids to school, which was also covered in snow. And now, although there are deadlines to meet and phone calls to make; have just spent the morning playing in the white garden taking photos and eating snow with syrup.
My fridge always seems to have a few jars of leftover fruit poaching syrup in its depths, so I pulled these out (one quince syrup and one from some moscato poached pears we served recently at the Farm Kitchen) and made snow cups drizzled in syrup.
They are so delicious – and of course, on the off-chance you don’t have a garden full of snow (this is the first time in years we have!), you could easily make these with ice blitzed in a blender and then drizzled with syrup or nice cordial). I’ve now stashed a container of snow in the freezer for the kids tonight, and might even drizzle a little Stone Pin Gin over the grown-up snow cups. Because it’s Friday. A white Friday.
The Friday List
I’ve been wanting to visit Anna Tasca Lanza’s Sicilian cooking school since meeting a recent graduate in Turin 15 years ago. Am now thinking this post might be the closest I’ll come to ever getting there. Sigh.
In the snowy/icy theme of this post; here’s a spot of armchair travel to Iceland, via Cannelle et Vanille
This raspberry ripple buckwheat porridge looks just perfect. Perhaps we in the Southern Hemisphere can make ours with rhubarb? Or stewed apples even?
Such a cool idea – this restauranteur and chef are cycling across America to talk to strangers about what they eat. Here are a few pics from their stint in the Rockies.
Another great article about cool people doing cool things – this time over in Berlin. Meet the dudes behind Infarm; an inner-city farming project growing great things.
A belated nod to Bastille Day….Le Grand Aioli. Might have to wait for warmer weather to make this one!
I always love popping in at Dinners with Friends; such a great snapshot of different places, seasons and people.
Apparently New York’s Shake Shack does the best burgers in the states, and here’s the recipe (or an interpretation of the real thing at least!)
Potstickers from Two Red Bowls. Would love somebody to make these for me tonight!
Beautiful! We were meant to drive up to Orange that morning but the GWH was closed so had to wait til 2pm to go. We stayed in Orange while sussing out the surrounding area (acreage) to buy. I drove through the snow around Yetholme on the way up. So pretty!!