Farmers markets are a great opportunity to source seasonal produce at great prices, plus interesting, beautifully made and unique foods you’d never find anywhere. I sometimes hear people say that markets are too expensive to shop at regularly and really don’t agree…so…in an effort to debunk this perception am starting a new monthly post here on Local is Lovely called What $50 gets you. I am writing to friends around the world and now waiting for them to send in ‘guest posts’ for this section and even this exercise has been interesting. A friend in Japan came back saying that his basket would be fairly empty if he spent just $50 in one produce shop while a school friend now living in Bali replied that they’d have enough food for a small army if they spent $50 at their local market.
But today we are starting with my local markets by…me. We never do markets in January so it was so lovely to go yesterday as a ‘normal’ person. And because we are heading off for a few days at the beach on monday I stocked up on foods that will travel with us and hopefully help me pimp up some basic holiday cooking.
100g jar of Conapaira capers from the Riverina, $7
Punnet of sour cherries from Nashdale, $2.50
1kg Angelina plums from Borenore, $5
1 bulb Russian garlic from Morganics at Mt Canobolas, $1.50
1 bulb Mediterranean garlic from Morganics at Mt Canobolas, $1.50
1x 500g jar ginger honey from Cabonne Country Honey in Orange, $5
1 x 500g jar Bloodwood honey from Goldfields Apiaries near Orange, $5
1 bunch rainbow chard from Waru Organics in Orange, $3.50
Pot of fresh organic hummus from Waru Organics, $6
200g Fresh goat’s curd from Jannei dairy near Lithgow, $10
Plus a coffee! $3.50
The next Orange market will be held on Saturday morning, February 11. For lots of information about all the stallholders of Orange Markets, have a look at their website.
Hello Sophie, I share your philosophy… thanks for bringing my attention to your blog. Would love to keep in touch!